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CC no. 38

July 8, 2022 @ 11:30 am 4:00 pm


1. Letter from suspended Member of Parliament Mr. C.A. Buncamper regarding his suspension as Member of Parliament based on articles of the Constitution of Sint Maarten (IS/975/2021-2022 dated June 3, 2022) 

2. Ontwerplandsverordening tot wijziging van de Tijdelijke Landsverordening Covid-19 bezuinigingen arbeidsvoorwaarden overheidsdienaren in verband met de gefaseerde reductie van de Covid-19 bezuinigingen op de overheidsdienaren (Zittingsjaar 2021-2022-161) (IS/1123/2021-2022 d.d. 7 juli 2021) 

(National Ordinance amending the Temporary National Ordinance Covid-19 cuts employment conditions for civil servants in connection with the phased reduction of the Covid-19 cuts employment conditions for civil servants. (Parliamentary Year 2021-2022-161) (IS/1123/2021-2022 dated July 7, 2021) 

3. Ontwerplandsverordening houdende regels inzake de normering van bezoldigingen van topfunctionarissen in de publieke en semipublieke sector (Landsverordening normering topinkomens) (Zittingsjaar 2021-2022-160) (IS/1122/2021-2022 d.d. 6 juli 2022) 

(National Ordinance containing rules regarding the standardization of salaries of top officials in the public and semi-public sector (National ordinance standardizing top incomes) Parliamentary Year 2021-2022-161) (IS/1122/2021-2022 dated July 6, 2022) 

The Minister of AZ and the Minister of Finance.