Committee of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Affairs
The Committee of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Affairs deals with all topics that fall under the responsibility of the Minister Education, Culture, Youth and Sports (ECYS). The Committee can request to debate with the Minister of ECYS on topics such as youth development, cultural awareness and study financing for tertiary education. The Committee can also invite persons and organizations for discussions that are related to Education, Culture, Youth and Sports on Sint Maarten.
1. MP Akeem E. Arrindell
2. MP Sidharth M. Bijlani, Vice Chairman
3. MP Chanel E. Brownbill
4. MP Solange L. Duncan
5. MP Christophe T. Emmanuel
6. MP Melissa D. Gumbs
7. MP Grisha S. Heyliger-Marten
8. MP William V. Marlin
9. MP George C. Pantophlet
10. MP Raeyhon A. Peterson
11. MP Hyacinth L. Richardson
12. MP Angelique J.G. Romou, Chairlady
13. MP Sarah A. Wescot-Williams
griffier: G.J. Richardson, LL.M.