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National Ordinance amending the Stamp Duty Ordinance 1994 and some other national ordinances in connection with the introduction of new identity cards and driving licenses (Parliamentary Year 2011-2012-023)

This draft aims to make a number of changes to the tariff table in the Stamp Duty Ordinance 1994 for the services provided by the Civil Registry and some other national ordinances regarding the introduction of new identity cards and driver’s licenses.

State of Affairs


Central Committee

Public Meeting


Key Data


March 13, 2012


Landsverordening tot wijziging van de Legesverordening 1994 en enige andere landsverordeningen in verband met de invoering van nieuwe identiteitskaarten en rijbewijzen (Zittingsjaar 2011-2012-023)

National Ordinance amending the Stamp Duty Ordinance 1994 and some other national ordinances in connection with the introduction of new identity cards and driving licenses (Parliamentary Year 2011-2012-023)


Minister of Finance

Minister of General Affairs

Entry into Force