

Related to ...

National Ordinance rectifying a technical omission in the National Ordinance of June 26, 2017 amending the Sanctions National Ordinance to implement recommendation 6 of the Financial Action Task Force without delay to implement the restrictive measures and some technical legal adjustments (Parliamentary Year 2019-2020-132)

This draft proposes to correct a legal technical omission in the National Ordinance amending the Sanctions National Ordinance implementing recommendation 6 of the Financial Action Task Force without delay to implement the restrictive measures and some legislative adjustments.

State of Affairs


Central Committee

Public Meeting


Key Data


September 20, 2019


National Ordinance rectifying a technical omission in the National Ordinance of June 26, 2017 amending the Sanctions National Ordinance to implement recommendation 6 of the Financial Action Task Force without delay to implement the restrictive measures and some technical legal adjustments (Parliamentary Year 2019-2020-132)

Landsverordening tot herstel van een wetstechnische omissie in de Landsverordening van de 26e juni 2017 houdende wijziging van de Sanctielandsverordening ter uitvoering van aanbeveling 6 van de Financial Action Task Force om zonder vertraging de beperkende maatregelen te implementeren en enkele wetstechnische aanpassingen (Zittingsjaar 2019-2020-132)


Minister of General Affairs

Entry into Force