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Initiative National Ordinance amending the National Ordinance to stipulate the Budget for Sint Maarten for service year 2019 in connection with the increase of the budgets for certain youth and social programs (First Supplementary Budget 2019)

This draft intends to amend the National Ordinance to stipulate the Budget for Sint Maarten for service year 2019 in connection with the increase of the budgets for certain youth and social programs that fall under the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports.

State of Affairs


Central Committee

Public Meeting


Key Data


November 18, 2019


Initiative National Ordinance amending the National Ordinance to stipulate the Budget for Sint Maarten for service year 2019 in connection with the increase of the budgets for certain youth and social programs (First Supplementary Budget 2019)

Initiatieflandsverordening tot wijziging van de Landsverordening tot vaststelling van de begroting van Sint Maarten voor het dienstjaar 2019 in verband met het verhogen van de begrotingen van bepaalde jeugd en sociale programma’s (Eerste Suppletoire begroting 2019)




Member of Parliament Silveria E. Jacobs

Entry into Force