National Ordinance amending the National Ordinance General Old Age Insurance and the National Ordinance General Widow and Orphan Insurance in connection with the increase of the retirement pension and the retirement age to 65 years (National Ordinance increasing AOV-pension and pension age to 65 years) (ZJ 2019-2020-137)
The draft aims to raise the retirement age from 62 to 65 and to increase the one-off benefits by more than inflation due to the increased life expectancy and in order to ensure the long-term affordability and sustainability of the system. The Government also considers it desirable to use part of the resources that are released in the short term to combat poverty among the elderly by increasing the old-age pension.
State of Affairs
Central Committee
Public Meeting
Key Data
July 2, 2020
National Ordinance amending the National Ordinance General Old Age Insurance and the National Ordinance General Widow and Orphan Insurance in connection with the increase of the retirement pension and the retirement age to 65 years (National Ordinance increasing AOV-pension and pension age to 65 years) (ZJ 2019-2020-137)
Landsverordening houdende wijziging van de landsverordening Algemene Ouderdomsverzekering en de Landsverordening Algemene Weduwen- en Wezenverzekering in verband met de verhoging van het ouderdomspensioen en de pensioenleeftijd tot 65 jaar (Landsverordening verhoging AOV-pensioen en pensioenleeftijd tot 65 jaar) (Zittingsjaar 2019-2020-137)
Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor
Entry into Force