

Related to ...

National Ordinance amending the Pension Ordinance civil servants, the age limit Ordinance civil servants and the redudancy scheme civil servants in connection with the raising of the retirement age (Parliamentary Year 2015-2016-081)

This draft aims at increasing the retirement age for civil servants and by joining this increase in the intended change in retirement age under the National Ordinance on Old Age Insurance.

State of Affairs


Central Committee

Public Meeting


Key Data


October 20, 2015


National Ordinance amending the Pension Ordinance civil servants, the age limit Ordinance civil servants and the redudancy scheme civil servants in connection with the raising of the retirement age (Parliamentary Year 2015-2016-081)

Landsverordening tot wijziging van de pensioenlandsverordening overheidsdienaren, de Landsverordening leeftijdsgrens ambtenaren en de wachtgeldregeling overheidsdienaren in verband met de verhoging van de pensioengerechtigde leeftijd) (Zittingsjaar 2015-2016-081)


Minister of General Affairs

Entry into Force

AB 2016, 16