There are different types of meetings:
- Public meetings: these are usually meetings where national ordinances and motions are approved;
- Central Committee meetings: these meetings are investigative by nature. Topics (including national ordinances) tend to be thoroughly investigated during these meetings;
- Permanent and Ad Hoc Committee meetings: these meetings are investigative by nature. Topics (including national ordinances) tend to be thoroughly investigated during these meetings.
All meetings of Parliament are open to the public unless it is considered necessary, or requested by at least four members in case of a Public meeting, to hold the meeting behind closed doors. Meetings are usually transmitted live via radio, television and internet.
In case a meeting is public, persons may take a seat in the public tribune in order to follow the meeting. These persons in the public tribune are prohibited to make any expressions of approval or disapproval. The President ensures the adherence to this rule and preservation of silence. In the event of violation, he/she may order the person who disturbs or has disturbed the peace to leave the Legislative Hall.